North Western Province

North Western Province Sri Lanka Postal Codes

Postcode Table
Name Postcode
Adippala 61012
Alahengama 60416
Alahitiyawa 60182
Alawatuwala 60047
Alawwa 60280
Ambakandawila 61024
Ambakote 60036
Ambanpola 60650
Anamaduwa 61500
Andigama 61508
Angunawila 61264
Anhandiya 60074
Anukkane 60214
Aragoda 60308
Ataragalla 60706
Attawilluwa 61328
Awulegama 60462
Name Postcode
Balalla 60604
Bamunukotuwa 60347
Bandara Koswatta 60424
Bangadeniya 61238
Baranankattuwa 61262
Battuluoya 61246
Bingiriya 60450
Bogamulla 60107
Bopitiya 60155
Boraluwewa 60437
Boyagane 60027
Bujjampola 61136
Bujjomuwa 60291
Buluwala 60076
Name Postcode
Chilaw 61000
Name Postcode
Dambadeniya 60130
Dankotuwa 61130
Daraluwa 60174
Deegalla 60228
Delwite 60044
Demataluwa 60024
Diddeniya 60544
Digannewa 60485
Divullegoda 60472
Dodangaslanda 60530
Doratiyawa 60013
Dummalasuriya 60260
Dunkannawa 61192
Name Postcode
Ehetuwewa 60716
Elibichchiya 60156
Eluwankulama 61308
Embogama 60718
Ettale 61343
Etungahakotuwa 60266
Name Postcode
Galgamuwa 60700
Gallewa 60712
Galmuruwa 61233
Girathalana 60752
Giriulla 60140
Gokaralla 60522
Gonawila 60170
Name Postcode
Halmillawewa 60441
Hengamuwa 60414
Hettipola 60430
Hilogama 60486
Hindagolla 60034
Hiriyala Lenawa 60546
Hiruwalpola 60458
Horambawa 60181
Hulogedara 60474
Hulugalla 60477
Hunupola 60582
Name Postcode
Kadigawa 60492
Kahapathwala 60062
Kakkapalliya 61236
Kalladiya 61534
Kalpitiya 61360
Kalugamuwa 60096
Kanadeniyawala 60054
Kanattewewa 60422
Kandakuliya 61358
Karagahagedara 60106
Karambe 60602
Karativponparappi 61307
Karawitagara 61022
Karuwalagaswewa 61314
Katuneriya 61180
Katupota 60350
Kekunagolla 60183
Keppitiwalana 60288
Kimbulwanaoya 60548
Kirimetiyawa 60184
Kirimundalama 61362
Kirindawa 60212
Kirindigalla 60502
Kithalawa 60188
Kobeigane 60410
Kohilagedara 60028
Konwewa 60630
Kosdeniya 60356
Kosgolla 60029
Koswatta 61158
Kotawehera 60483
Kottantivu 61252
Kottukachchiya 61532
Kudagalgamuwa 60003
Kudakatnoruwa 60754
Kudawewa 61226
Kuliyapitiya 60200
Kumarakattuwa 61032
Kumbukgeta 60508
Kumbukwewa 60506
Kuratihena 60438
Kurinjanpitiya 61356
Kuruketiyawa 61516
Kurunegala 60000
Name Postcode
Labbala 60162
Lbbagamuwa 60500
Lhala Kadigamuwa 60238
Lihiriyagama 61138
Llukhena 60232
Lonahettiya 60108
Lunuwila 61150
Name Postcode
Madahapola 60552
Madakumburumulla 60209
Madampe 61230
Maduragoda 60532
Madurankuliya 61270
Maeliya 60512
Magulagama 60221
Mahagalkadawala 60731
Mahagirilla 60479
Mahakumbukkadawala 61272
Mahamukalanyaya 60516
Mahananneriya 60724
Maharachchimulla 60286
Mahauswewa 61512
Mahawewa 61220
Maho 60600
Makulewa 60714
Makulpotha 60514
Makulwewa 60578
Malagane 60404
Mampuri 61341
Mandapola 60434
Mangalaeliya 61266
Marawila 61210
Maspotha 60344
Mawathagama 60060
Medivawa 60612
Meegalawa 60750
Meetanwala 60066
Meewellawa 60484
Melsiripura 60540
Metikumbura 60304
Metiyagane 60121
Minhettiya 60004
Minuwangete 60406
Mirihanagama 60408
Monnekulama 60495
Moragane 60354
Moragollagama 60640
Morathiha 60038
Mudalakkuliya 61506
Mugunuwatawana 61014
Mukkutoduwawa 61274
Munamaldeniya 60218
Mundel 61250
Muruthenge 60122
Muttibendiwila 61195
Name Postcode
Nabadewa 60482
Nagollagama 60590
Nagollagoda 60226
Nainamadama 61120
Nakkawatta 60186
Nalladarankattuwa 61244
Narammala 60100
Narangoda 60152
Nattandiya 61190
Nawagattegama 61520
Nawatalwatta 60292
Nelliya 60549
Nikadalupotha 60580
Nikaweratiya 60470
Norachcholai 61342
Name Postcode
Padeniya 60461
Padiwela 60236
Pahalagiribawa 60735
Pahamune 60112
Palaviya 61280
Pallama 61040
Palliwasalturai 61354
Palukadawala 60704
Panadaragama 60348
Panagamuwa 60052
Panaliya 60312
Panirendawa 61234
Panliyadda 60558
Pannala 60160
Pansiyagama 60554
Periyakadneluwa 60518
Pihimbiya Ratmale 60439
Pihimbuwa 60053
Pilessa 60058
Polgahawela 60300
Polpitigama 60620
Pothuhera 60330
Pothuwatawana 61162
Puswelitenna 60072
Puttalam 61300
Puttalam Cement Factory 61326
Name Postcode
Rajakadaluwa 61242
Ridibendiella 60606
Ridigama 60040
Name Postcode
Saliya Asokapura 60736
Saliyawewa Junction 61324
Sandalankawa 60176
Serukele 61042
Sirambiadiya 61312
Sirisetagama 60478
Siyambalagashene 61504
Siyambalangamuwa 60646
Solepura 60737
Solewewa 60738
Sunandapura 60436
Name Postcode
Tabbowa 61322
Talawattegedara 60306
Talawila Church 61344
Tambutta 60734
Thalahitimulla 60208
Thalakolawewa 60624
Thalwita 60572
Thambagalla 60584
Tharana Udawela 60227
Thimbiriyawa 60476
Tisogama 60453
Toduwawa 61224
Torayaya 60499
Tuttiripitigama 60426
Name Postcode
Udappuwa 61004
Udubaddawa 60250
Uhumiya 60094
Ulpotha Pallekele 60622
Uridyawa 61502
Usgala Siyabmalangamuwa 60732
Name Postcode
Vanathawilluwa 61306
Name Postcode
Wadakada 60318
Wadumunnegedara 60204
Waikkal 61110
Walakumburumulla 60198
Wannigama 60465
Wannikudawewa 60721
Wannilhalagama 60722
Wannirasnayakapura 60490
Warawewa 60739
Wariyapola 60400
Watugahamulla 61198
Watuwatta 60262
Weerapokuna 60454
Welawa Juncton 60464
Welipennagahamulla 60240
Wellagala 60402
Wellarawa 60456
Wellawa 60570
Welpalla 60206
Wennappuwa 61170
Wennoruwa 60284
Weuda 60080
Wewagama 60195
Wijeyakatupotha 61006
Wilpotha 61008
Name Postcode
Yakwila 60202
Yatigaloluwa 60314
Yogiyana 61144

North Western Province, also known as Wayamba, is a vibrant and diverse region in Sri Lanka. Comprising two districts, Kurunegala and Puttalam, the province is known for its rich history, cultural heritage, and economic significance. This guide provides an in-depth look at North Western Province, highlighting its geographical features, economic activities, cultural landmarks, and the postal code system that facilitates efficient communication and logistics within the region.

Geographical Features: North Western Province spans a variety of landscapes, from the coastal areas of Puttalam to the inland agricultural regions of Kurunegala. The province is bordered by the North Central Province, Central Province, Sabaragamuwa Province, and the Western Province, as well as the Indian Ocean to the west. This geographical diversity contributes to a wide range of natural resources and scenic beauty.


  1. Kurunegala District:

    • Postal Code: 60000
    • Kurunegala, the district capital, is a major commercial and administrative center. Known for its picturesque lake and the famous Elephant Rock, Kurunegala is a hub of activity and growth.
  2. Puttalam District:

    • Postal Code: 61000
    • Puttalam is renowned for its fishing industry, salt production, and coconut plantations. The district also includes Wilpattu National Park, one of the oldest and largest national parks in Sri Lanka, offering rich biodiversity and wildlife.

Economic Activities: North Western Province has a diverse economy primarily based on agriculture, fishing, and industries. Key agricultural products include rice, coconut, and spices. The coastal areas contribute significantly to the fishing industry, while salt production is also prominent. The province has seen substantial growth in industrial activities, with numerous manufacturing plants and factories.

Cultural Landmarks and Attractions:

  • Kurunegala Lake: A serene and picturesque spot ideal for relaxation and picnics.
  • Wilpattu National Park: Famous for its leopards and a variety of other wildlife, it is a popular destination for eco-tourism.
  • Munneswaram Temple: An ancient and revered Hindu temple in Chilaw, attracting pilgrims and tourists alike.
  • Ridi Viharaya: An ancient Buddhist temple known for its historical and archaeological significance.

Postal Code System: The postal code system in North Western Province ensures efficient mail delivery and logistics. The codes are designed to facilitate easy sorting and precise delivery of mail across the districts. Here are the main postal codes:

  • Kurunegala District: 60000
  • Puttalam District: 61000

Conclusion: North Western Province is a region of immense economic importance, cultural richness, and natural beauty. Its well-organized postal code system supports the efficient functioning of communication and commerce, making it an integral part of Sri Lanka’s national framework. Whether you are a resident, business, or visitor, understanding the province’s postal code system is crucial for seamless interaction and navigation within this dynamic region.