North Western Province Sri Lanka Postal Codes
Name | Postcode |
Adippala | 61012 |
Alahengama | 60416 |
Alahitiyawa | 60182 |
Alawatuwala | 60047 |
Alawwa | 60280 |
Ambakandawila | 61024 |
Ambakote | 60036 |
Ambanpola | 60650 |
Anamaduwa | 61500 |
Andigama | 61508 |
Angunawila | 61264 |
Anhandiya | 60074 |
Anukkane | 60214 |
Aragoda | 60308 |
Ataragalla | 60706 |
Attawilluwa | 61328 |
Awulegama | 60462 |
Name | Postcode |
Balalla | 60604 |
Bamunukotuwa | 60347 |
Bandara Koswatta | 60424 |
Bangadeniya | 61238 |
Baranankattuwa | 61262 |
Battuluoya | 61246 |
Bingiriya | 60450 |
Bogamulla | 60107 |
Bopitiya | 60155 |
Boraluwewa | 60437 |
Boyagane | 60027 |
Bujjampola | 61136 |
Bujjomuwa | 60291 |
Buluwala | 60076 |
Name | Postcode |
Chilaw | 61000 |
Name | Postcode |
Dambadeniya | 60130 |
Dankotuwa | 61130 |
Daraluwa | 60174 |
Deegalla | 60228 |
Delwite | 60044 |
Demataluwa | 60024 |
Diddeniya | 60544 |
Digannewa | 60485 |
Divullegoda | 60472 |
Dodangaslanda | 60530 |
Doratiyawa | 60013 |
Dummalasuriya | 60260 |
Dunkannawa | 61192 |
Name | Postcode |
Ehetuwewa | 60716 |
Elibichchiya | 60156 |
Eluwankulama | 61308 |
Embogama | 60718 |
Ettale | 61343 |
Etungahakotuwa | 60266 |
Name | Postcode |
Galgamuwa | 60700 |
Gallewa | 60712 |
Galmuruwa | 61233 |
Girathalana | 60752 |
Giriulla | 60140 |
Gokaralla | 60522 |
Gonawila | 60170 |
Name | Postcode |
Halmillawewa | 60441 |
Hengamuwa | 60414 |
Hettipola | 60430 |
Hilogama | 60486 |
Hindagolla | 60034 |
Hiriyala Lenawa | 60546 |
Hiruwalpola | 60458 |
Horambawa | 60181 |
Hulogedara | 60474 |
Hulugalla | 60477 |
Hunupola | 60582 |
Name | Postcode |
Ihala Gomugomuwa | 60211 |
Ihala Katugampala | 60135 |
Ihala Kottaramulla | 61154 |
Ihala Puliyankulama | 61316 |
Ilippadeniya | 61018 |
Indulgodakanda | 60016 |
Inginimitiya | 61514 |
Inguruwatta | 60064 |
Iriyagolla | 60045 |
Ismailpuram | 61302 |
Ithanawatta | 60025 |
Name | Postcode |
Kadigawa | 60492 |
Kahapathwala | 60062 |
Kakkapalliya | 61236 |
Kalladiya | 61534 |
Kalpitiya | 61360 |
Kalugamuwa | 60096 |
Kanadeniyawala | 60054 |
Kanattewewa | 60422 |
Kandakuliya | 61358 |
Karagahagedara | 60106 |
Karambe | 60602 |
Karativponparappi | 61307 |
Karawitagara | 61022 |
Karuwalagaswewa | 61314 |
Katuneriya | 61180 |
Katupota | 60350 |
Kekunagolla | 60183 |
Keppitiwalana | 60288 |
Kimbulwanaoya | 60548 |
Kirimetiyawa | 60184 |
Kirimundalama | 61362 |
Kirindawa | 60212 |
Kirindigalla | 60502 |
Kithalawa | 60188 |
Kobeigane | 60410 |
Kohilagedara | 60028 |
Konwewa | 60630 |
Kosdeniya | 60356 |
Kosgolla | 60029 |
Koswatta | 61158 |
Kotawehera | 60483 |
Kottantivu | 61252 |
Kottukachchiya | 61532 |
Kudagalgamuwa | 60003 |
Kudakatnoruwa | 60754 |
Kudawewa | 61226 |
Kuliyapitiya | 60200 |
Kumarakattuwa | 61032 |
Kumbukgeta | 60508 |
Kumbukwewa | 60506 |
Kuratihena | 60438 |
Kurinjanpitiya | 61356 |
Kuruketiyawa | 61516 |
Kurunegala | 60000 |
Name | Postcode |
Labbala | 60162 |
Lbbagamuwa | 60500 |
Lhala Kadigamuwa | 60238 |
Lihiriyagama | 61138 |
Llukhena | 60232 |
Lonahettiya | 60108 |
Lunuwila | 61150 |
Name | Postcode |
Madahapola | 60552 |
Madakumburumulla | 60209 |
Madampe | 61230 |
Maduragoda | 60532 |
Madurankuliya | 61270 |
Maeliya | 60512 |
Magulagama | 60221 |
Mahagalkadawala | 60731 |
Mahagirilla | 60479 |
Mahakumbukkadawala | 61272 |
Mahamukalanyaya | 60516 |
Mahananneriya | 60724 |
Maharachchimulla | 60286 |
Mahauswewa | 61512 |
Mahawewa | 61220 |
Maho | 60600 |
Makulewa | 60714 |
Makulpotha | 60514 |
Makulwewa | 60578 |
Malagane | 60404 |
Mampuri | 61341 |
Mandapola | 60434 |
Mangalaeliya | 61266 |
Marawila | 61210 |
Maspotha | 60344 |
Mawathagama | 60060 |
Medivawa | 60612 |
Meegalawa | 60750 |
Meetanwala | 60066 |
Meewellawa | 60484 |
Melsiripura | 60540 |
Metikumbura | 60304 |
Metiyagane | 60121 |
Minhettiya | 60004 |
Minuwangete | 60406 |
Mirihanagama | 60408 |
Monnekulama | 60495 |
Moragane | 60354 |
Moragollagama | 60640 |
Morathiha | 60038 |
Mudalakkuliya | 61506 |
Mugunuwatawana | 61014 |
Mukkutoduwawa | 61274 |
Munamaldeniya | 60218 |
Mundel | 61250 |
Muruthenge | 60122 |
Muttibendiwila | 61195 |
Name | Postcode |
Nabadewa | 60482 |
Nagollagama | 60590 |
Nagollagoda | 60226 |
Nainamadama | 61120 |
Nakkawatta | 60186 |
Nalladarankattuwa | 61244 |
Narammala | 60100 |
Narangoda | 60152 |
Nattandiya | 61190 |
Nawagattegama | 61520 |
Nawatalwatta | 60292 |
Nelliya | 60549 |
Nikadalupotha | 60580 |
Nikaweratiya | 60470 |
Norachcholai | 61342 |
Name | Postcode |
Padeniya | 60461 |
Padiwela | 60236 |
Pahalagiribawa | 60735 |
Pahamune | 60112 |
Palaviya | 61280 |
Pallama | 61040 |
Palliwasalturai | 61354 |
Palukadawala | 60704 |
Panadaragama | 60348 |
Panagamuwa | 60052 |
Panaliya | 60312 |
Panirendawa | 61234 |
Panliyadda | 60558 |
Pannala | 60160 |
Pansiyagama | 60554 |
Periyakadneluwa | 60518 |
Pihimbiya Ratmale | 60439 |
Pihimbuwa | 60053 |
Pilessa | 60058 |
Polgahawela | 60300 |
Polpitigama | 60620 |
Pothuhera | 60330 |
Pothuwatawana | 61162 |
Puswelitenna | 60072 |
Puttalam | 61300 |
Puttalam Cement Factory | 61326 |
Name | Postcode |
Rajakadaluwa | 61242 |
Ridibendiella | 60606 |
Ridigama | 60040 |
Name | Postcode |
Saliya Asokapura | 60736 |
Saliyawewa Junction | 61324 |
Sandalankawa | 60176 |
Serukele | 61042 |
Sirambiadiya | 61312 |
Sirisetagama | 60478 |
Siyambalagashene | 61504 |
Siyambalangamuwa | 60646 |
Solepura | 60737 |
Solewewa | 60738 |
Sunandapura | 60436 |
Name | Postcode |
Tabbowa | 61322 |
Talawattegedara | 60306 |
Talawila Church | 61344 |
Tambutta | 60734 |
Thalahitimulla | 60208 |
Thalakolawewa | 60624 |
Thalwita | 60572 |
Thambagalla | 60584 |
Tharana Udawela | 60227 |
Thimbiriyawa | 60476 |
Tisogama | 60453 |
Toduwawa | 61224 |
Torayaya | 60499 |
Tuttiripitigama | 60426 |
Name | Postcode |
Udappuwa | 61004 |
Udubaddawa | 60250 |
Uhumiya | 60094 |
Ulpotha Pallekele | 60622 |
Uridyawa | 61502 |
Usgala Siyabmalangamuwa | 60732 |
Name | Postcode |
Vanathawilluwa | 61306 |
Name | Postcode |
Wadakada | 60318 |
Wadumunnegedara | 60204 |
Waikkal | 61110 |
Walakumburumulla | 60198 |
Wannigama | 60465 |
Wannikudawewa | 60721 |
Wannilhalagama | 60722 |
Wannirasnayakapura | 60490 |
Warawewa | 60739 |
Wariyapola | 60400 |
Watugahamulla | 61198 |
Watuwatta | 60262 |
Weerapokuna | 60454 |
Welawa Juncton | 60464 |
Welipennagahamulla | 60240 |
Wellagala | 60402 |
Wellarawa | 60456 |
Wellawa | 60570 |
Welpalla | 60206 |
Wennappuwa | 61170 |
Wennoruwa | 60284 |
Weuda | 60080 |
Wewagama | 60195 |
Wijeyakatupotha | 61006 |
Wilpotha | 61008 |
Name | Postcode |
Yakwila | 60202 |
Yatigaloluwa | 60314 |
Yogiyana | 61144 |
North Western Province, also known as Wayamba, is a vibrant and diverse region in Sri Lanka. Comprising two districts, Kurunegala and Puttalam, the province is known for its rich history, cultural heritage, and economic significance. This guide provides an in-depth look at North Western Province, highlighting its geographical features, economic activities, cultural landmarks, and the postal code system that facilitates efficient communication and logistics within the region.
Geographical Features: North Western Province spans a variety of landscapes, from the coastal areas of Puttalam to the inland agricultural regions of Kurunegala. The province is bordered by the North Central Province, Central Province, Sabaragamuwa Province, and the Western Province, as well as the Indian Ocean to the west. This geographical diversity contributes to a wide range of natural resources and scenic beauty.
Kurunegala District:
- Postal Code: 60000
- Kurunegala, the district capital, is a major commercial and administrative center. Known for its picturesque lake and the famous Elephant Rock, Kurunegala is a hub of activity and growth.
Puttalam District:
- Postal Code: 61000
- Puttalam is renowned for its fishing industry, salt production, and coconut plantations. The district also includes Wilpattu National Park, one of the oldest and largest national parks in Sri Lanka, offering rich biodiversity and wildlife.
Economic Activities: North Western Province has a diverse economy primarily based on agriculture, fishing, and industries. Key agricultural products include rice, coconut, and spices. The coastal areas contribute significantly to the fishing industry, while salt production is also prominent. The province has seen substantial growth in industrial activities, with numerous manufacturing plants and factories.
Cultural Landmarks and Attractions:
- Kurunegala Lake: A serene and picturesque spot ideal for relaxation and picnics.
- Wilpattu National Park: Famous for its leopards and a variety of other wildlife, it is a popular destination for eco-tourism.
- Munneswaram Temple: An ancient and revered Hindu temple in Chilaw, attracting pilgrims and tourists alike.
- Ridi Viharaya: An ancient Buddhist temple known for its historical and archaeological significance.
Postal Code System: The postal code system in North Western Province ensures efficient mail delivery and logistics. The codes are designed to facilitate easy sorting and precise delivery of mail across the districts. Here are the main postal codes:
- Kurunegala District: 60000
- Puttalam District: 61000
Conclusion: North Western Province is a region of immense economic importance, cultural richness, and natural beauty. Its well-organized postal code system supports the efficient functioning of communication and commerce, making it an integral part of Sri Lanka’s national framework. Whether you are a resident, business, or visitor, understanding the province’s postal code system is crucial for seamless interaction and navigation within this dynamic region.